Frequently Asked Questions

What do you want to know about us ?
If you can not find your answer, feel free to contact us

Dev Engine takes your questions and worries into account first if you are not sure about one of our packages. We'll answer your questions and advise you to the best solution for you without pushing you into a forced purchase. Our full system works by quote and discussion with you.

- Portfolio or Template
- Web site without administration panel
- Web site with administration panel
- Assistance

Of course, what we make is yours. All services we provide are customized, in terms of code as well as colors and pictures.

No, hosting is not included in our basic fixed price packages. However, you can take out a subscription to benefit from it, but if you take out a monthly payment, hosting will be included.

This service is for those who want to have a redesign or an overhaul by us.


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